04. System Formatting

This training details formatting rules that ensure all systems maintain consistency.


Rule to format systems

Supporting Notes

System Details

This is the main body of the system, it should explain the step-by-step process while highlighting what triggers the start of the process and how to know when you're done.

Listed below are the formats to follow when creating a system.


I. Text style

There are 3 main text styles used here, listed below are the styles and the usage, cross-reference here to check if the system follows the standard. 

Heading 1 - This text style is only used for the main section. 

Heading 2 - This text style is only used for all main steps which will direct the reader into doing the action.

Paragraph - This text style is used to define instructions to carry out the main step.

Click here to see a system with the correct usage of text style based on the systemHUB formatting style guide.


II. Spacing

There are 3 main spacings used here, listed below are the spacing and the usage, cross-reference here to check if the system follows the standard. 

1. Single line space - Soft break (press Shift + Enter) if the sentence/s per bullet will take 2 lines or more.


  • This sentence is using a bullet point and is created for demo purposes only to show a two-line sentence. This is another example sentence to show a two-line sentence.
  • This sentence is using a bullet point and is created for demo purposes only to show a two-line sentence. This is another example sentence to show a two-line sentence.

2. No line space - Hard break (press Enter) if you just want to move to the next sentence, there is no line space but there is enough space in between each sentence.


This is sample sentence one.

After sample sentence one is sample sentence two.

3. Full line space - Double space hard break (press Enter twice) if you want to leave a space in between the main steps. To be able to do it, the line should not be in a bullet.


This is the last sentence from step 5.


Step 6: Look at this sample step

Notice the full line space between the last sentence and the next step, there is a close space before and after the line space which makes the full line space bigger.


III. Bullet points

Bullet points help organize and emphasize information quickly and effectively.

Here are three reasons to use a bullet point:

  • Draw attention to important information 
  • Improve the ability of the reader to scan information easily 
  • Communicate information efficiently

Press Enter if there is only 1 line per bullet. There will be no line space but there is close space in between each sentence.


  • This is example number 1.
  • This is example number 2.


IV. Numbered items

Numbered items are commonly used when presenting information that needs to be ordered or prioritized. Numbered items provide a clear and concise way of presenting information in a specific sequence or hierarchy.

Use a single line space for numbered items.


How to make a cup of coffee:

  1. Boil water in a kettle.
  2. Place a coffee filter in the drip basket of the coffee maker.
  3. Measure out the desired amount of coffee grounds and add them to the filter.
  4. Pour the hot water into the coffee maker's reservoir.
  5. Turn on the coffee maker and wait for the coffee to brew.
  6. Once the coffee has finished brewing, pour it into a mug.
  7. Add any desired milk, sugar, or flavorings.
  8. Enjoy your freshly brewed cup of coffee!


For a combination of numbered items and bullet points, use a single line space to separate numbered items but do not use a space between bullet points.


  1. Identify the system to be documented:
  • Determine the purpose, scope, and stakeholders of the system.
  • Review existing documentation, if any, to determine if it is up-to-date and accurate.

    2. Define the structure and format of the documentation:

  • Determine the sections and subsections of the documentation.
  • Decide on the formatting guidelines, such as font type and size, heading styles, and use of images.

    3. Collect information about the system:

  • Gather technical details from the system analyst.
  • Gather business rules and processes from the subject matter expert.
  • Organize the information in a logical sequence that is easy to understand and follow.

   4. Create the documentation:

  • Use the defined structure and format to create the documentation.
  • Ensure that the content is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.
  • Include relevant images, diagrams, and screenshots to enhance the understanding of the system.

   5. Review and Approve the documentation:

  • Review the documentation for accuracy, completeness, and consistency.
  • Ensure that the documentation meets the standards and guidelines.
  • Obtain approval from the stakeholders, such as the project manager, system owner, or quality assurance team.

   6. Maintain the documentation:

  • Update the documentation as needed, based on changes to the system.
  • Store the documentation in a central location, such as a document management system.
  • Ensure that the documentation is easily accessible to the stakeholders.


V. Bold font style

The bold format is used to highlight and give emphasis on the action of a particular step. Typically, it should be applied to buttons, options, and choices that need to be clicked or selected.


Click on the Publish button to save and close the system.


VI. Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks are used to point to another system that should be linked to that system, an important document that contains linked information, web content such as a login page or even the Asana task of that system.

Note: Remember that we don't use it in the main section or main step. It should only be used in the sub-point and should be in a bold text format.


I. Asana (Main Section)

Step 1: Log in to Asana (Main Step)

Access Asana. (Sub-point)


VII. Attachments

To add images or screenshots for a system, just select the Insert image option. Listed below are the accepted file types:

  • Images - jpeg, jpg, gif, png, PSD
  • Documents - pdf, xls, xlsx, xlsm, csv, ppt, pptx, doc, docx, docm, rtf, odt, ODP, pages
  • Audio/Video - wav, MOV, WMV, m4a, mp4, SWF, Avi, mp3, Ogg