02. Anatomy of a System

This is about the critical components of a systemHUB system.


Anatomy of a system

Supporting Notes

Anatomy of a System:

I. Title

A good system title should be concise, descriptive, and accurately reflect the content of the system. Here are some tips for creating effective system titles:

Keep it short: A title that is too long can be difficult to read and understand. Aim for a title that is no more than 8-10 words in length.


  • Employee Onboarding
  • Ticket Management
  • Product Launch

Use descriptive keywords: The title should clearly convey what the system is about. Use keywords that accurately describe the process or task the system covers.


  • Creating a Social Media Content Calendar
  • Establishing a Customer Feedback System
  • Managing Remote Team Communication

Be specific: Avoid using vague or general terms in the title. Be specific about what the system covers to help users quickly identify if it's the right resource for them.


  • Implementing a New Time Tracking System for Project Teams
  • Developing a Marketing Plan for a New Product Launch
  • Establishing an Employee Performance Review Process

Use action verbs: Action verbs can help convey the purpose of the system. 


  • Launching a New Website
  • Organizing a Company Event
  • Managing Sales Leads

Consider the target audience: Think about who the system is for and make sure the title is written in a way that will be clear and understandable to them.


  • Creating a New Employee Handbook for New Hires
  • Developing a Simple Budgeting Guide for Small Business Owners
  • Creating a Guide for New Remote Workers

By following these tips, you can create system titles that are descriptive, clear, and easy to understand.


II. Overview

A system overview should provide a clear and concise summary of the purpose and objectives of the system. It should aim to answer the questions of "what" and "why" the system exists and what results or outcomes can be expected from following the system. In addition, a well-crafted system overview should also aim to provide:

  • A high-level view of the processes involved in the system.
  • The benefits of following the system.
  • Key stakeholders and their roles in the system.
  • A clear understanding of what kick-starts the system 

By providing these details, a system overview can help ensure that all stakeholders understand the system's purpose and how it contributes to the overall success of the organization.


System Title: Onboarding New Employees

Overview: This system is triggered when there is a new hire. This outlines the process of welcoming and integrating new employees into the company, it covers all necessary steps to ensure a smooth and efficient onboarding experience.


III. System Details

Systems inside our own systemHUB account are formatted in a certain way to keep them consistent. 

The main body of the system should explain what triggers step 1 and starts the entire process. Then it should outline the key steps then end with the final step, detailing how you know you're done and (where applicable) what the next steps and/or system would be. 

Please see the system formatting to check whether a system was made according to our standard format.

5 Essential Elements:

  • Overview - Why this system is important
  • Trigger - What kickstarts the system
  • Key Steps - A high-level overview of the main steps
  • End - Outlines how you know when you are done and what's next.
  • Example - A good example of what's done looks like


IV. Videos

This section houses the screen-recorded system or video of a task being completed from start to finish. Here's a link to video formats that systemHUB supports.


V. Email Templates

This section can house generic or specific email templates that are sent as part of a process or a system.


VI. Attachments

This section can house different files like PDFs, Word files, Excel spreadsheets, and images that may be relevant to the execution of the system. Here's a link to file types that can be uploaded to systemHUB.


VII. Supporting Notes

This section can house any extra information that is not part of the main steps of the process being documented.


VIII. Tags

This section can load concise tags used to help narrow down search results for quick search.